Shipping Policy
Last Update: Jan 2023

When you place your order, you will receive a Purchase Confirmation email confirming your Order # and purchase details.
If you do not receive our confirmation email during this time, please contact us via to get more information.
After that, your order will be processed for stocking, packing, and shipping and this normally takes 3-5 working days. When this preparation process is finished, we will send a Shipping Update email to your email address with your tracking number. It may take 5-7 working days for your tracking status to be updated on the carrier's system and go online.
Momvel works very closely with top global merchants from all over the world to source and curates the most unique products on the market at the best prices for you. We travel the world and meet trusted suppliers to put together a collection of helpful products. Think of us as a one-stop-shop destination for the best products and purchases from worldwide vendors from Europe, Asia, and North America via our partnership with USPS.
Here is an estimate of the shipping times. Due to factors that often affect international shipments, such as holidays, customs, and weather delays, we can only offer an estimate of shipping times.
Location |
Estimated Shipping Time |
United States |
10-25 working days |
Rest of World |
10-30 working days |
Once your order has shipped, we will send you another Shipping Update email with your tracking number. To track your package, simply click on the link provided. Tracking numbers can take 1-2 days to appear in the shipping carrier's system after you receive your Shipping Update email. Several days may pass between package scans. We assure you that this is normal and will not affect your expected delivery date. If the tracking number is still not working within a few days, please contact the shipping carrier or our email support team.
It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that she or he fills the correct shipping address in (especially the exact number of the apartment in a building). If you found some problems with your shipping address within 12 hours of placing your order, please contact us via email address so that we can assist you to change it to the right form.
In case the package has been shipped, we can not change your shipping address and we will not take any responsibility if the shipping address you provided us is wrong as well. The only thing we can assist you in this situation is by sending you the carrier’s phone number so that you can contact them and correct your address.
If the order arrives at your country and:
- The customer refuses to accept the package
- Number of attempts is made in the country of destination to deliver the package.
- According to the shipping department, the order shipping status indicated that the package was delivered to the address that the customers provided
Momvel reserves the right to abandon the package(s) and will not be responsible for any refund.